Friday, May 25, 2018

Lesson 8. Worship the Creator

Sabbath School Today
With the 1888 Message Dynamic
Preparation for the End Time
Lesson 8. Worship the Creator

Many Christians are suspicious of the idea of "present truth." The Seventh-day Adventist Church embraces the concept, since its most unique doctrine of the cleansing of the sanctuary is based on the book of Daniel, a book that was closed until the end time.
Ellen White taught it clearly, and connects it with the message given to the "messengers" God raised up, specifically, E. J. Waggoner. "Questions were asked at that time. 'Sister White, do you think that the Lord has any new and increased light for us as a people?' I answered, 'Most assuredly. I do not only think so, I but can speak understandingly. I know that there is precious truth to be unfolded to us if we are the people that are to stand in the day of God's preparation.' Then the question was asked whether I thought the matter better drop where it was, after Brother Waggoner had stated his views of the law in Galatians. I said, 'By no means.'" [1]
"Elder E. J. Waggoner had the privilege granted him of speaking plainly and presenting his views upon justification by faith and the righteousness of Christ in relation to the law. This was no new light, but it was old light placed where it should be in the third angel's message. What is the burden of that message? John sees a people. He says, 'Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus' (Rev. 14:12). This people John beholds just before he sees the Son of man 'having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle' (verse 14)." [2]
God is the same yesterday and forever and His word tells us all we need to know about Him, but seeing what has always been in His word gives new meaning to "old" light. The message of the third angel of Revelation 14 has been here from centuries ago, but God found it necessary to make a clearer connection to the concept of righteousness by faith through the message given in 1888. "Several have written to me, inquiring if the message of justification by faith is the third angel's message, and I have answered, 'it is the third angel's message in verity.'" [3]
The fact that the messages of the angels in both Revelation 14 and 18 are in a loud voice, suggests the universality of their relevance to all humanity. That relevance is based on the fact that all humanity has sinned in our original ancestor, Adam. There are those who resist the idea that we are all in this sinful condition without having had any choice or say in the matter ourselves, forgetting that they not only inherited a self-centered nature, but have confirmed it by personal acts of sin.
Ellet J. Waggoner gives this perspective: "What would you think of a man drowning in the ocean, who, when someone throws him a rope, looks at it, and then says: 'I know that I am drowning, and that the only hope I have lies in my getting hold of that rope; but I will not take hold of it unless I know that it has really been my own fault that I fell into the water. If it was my own fault, then I will take it, because I am the only one who is to blame for my being in this condition. But if, on the other hand, someone pushed me into the water, and I could not help myself, then I will have nothing to do with that rope.' Such a man would be considered devoid of common sense. Then, acknowledging that we are sinners and in a lost condition, let us take hold of the salvation that is [given] to us." [4]
Since the sin problem is a universal one, the solution worked out by the Godhead needed to be universal. Even though with perfect foreknowledge they knew many would spurn the gift, Jesus was begotten of the Father in human flesh as the second Adam (Romans 5). On Him was laid "the iniquity of us all" (Isa. 53:6). When the books are opened in the final judgment, no one will be able to say that God did not pay for his or her sins.
Many people fear the judgment of God, and well they should if they believe it is done by an impassive, disinterested being who arbitrarily wants to see how many people He can keep out of heaven. They imagine Him like some evil Santa Claus who is keeping His "naughty or nice" list. Yet, we know that God is love, and the Bible describes love as "love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered" [some versions translate this as "it keeps no record of wrongs"] (1 Cor. 13:4-5, New American Standard Bible). If love does not keep a record of wrongs, why does the Bible speak of record books in heaven where God blots out our sin?
The seeming contradiction is easily resolved. God does keep a record, but not against us, but to explain His actions. The plan of salvation brought justification, or a "verdict of acquittal" for every human that has ever lived on this earth, but we are not forced to accept that verdict. When the "hour of His judgment" comes, God needs records to show that He provided a fair opportunity to every human being to make a choice. Throughout our lifetime, God has brought circumstances which cause us to come to a decision for or against the grace of God. The "evidence" for justification in our case is not our own obedience, but Christ's total identity with us as our second Adam and our sacrifice. He died for every one, accepts every one, and treats them generously as though they were forgiven. God is already reconciled to us (see, for example, Gal 2:16-21).
Only the work of the Creator God through the agency of His Holy Spirit can make this reconciliation a reality in out hearts and minds. The Bible presents a message that must lighten the earth with glory. It meets and complements the heart-longings of all who hunger and thirst after righteousness, who are now scattered throughout Babylon, awaiting the final call to come out of it. Righteousness by faith in this time of the cleansing of the sanctuary does more than prepare people to die "in the Lord." It makes possible a ripening of the harvest that prepares them for the sickle when the divine Farmer is told to "thrust in Thy sickle, and reap" (Rev. 14:13-16).
The process of coming out of Babylon involves putting away sin, which requires cooperation with the Holy Spirit. "The leaven hidden in the flour works invisibly to bring the whole mass under its leavening process; so the leaven of truth works secretly, silently, steadily, to transform the soul. The natural inclinations are softened and subdued. New thoughts, new feelings, new motives, are implanted. A new standard of character is set up--the life of Christ. The mind is changed; the faculties are roused to action in new lines. Man is not endowed with new faculties, but the faculties he has are sanctified. The conscience is awakened. We are endowed with traits of character that enable us to do service for God." [5]
Praise God for such a blessed promise!
--Arlene Hill
[1] The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, p. 219.
[2] Ibid., p. 211, emphasis added.
[3] Ellen G. White, Review and Herald, "Repentance the Gift of God," April 1, 1890.
[4] Ellet J. Waggoner, General Conference Daily Bulletin, "Bible Study: Letter to the Romans--No. 9," March 17, 1891, p. 137.
[5] Ellen G. White, Christ's Object Lessons, pp. 98, 99.
Pastor Paul Penno's video of this lesson is on the Internet at:
"Sabbath School Today" is on the Internet at:

Friday, May 11, 2018

Lesson 6. The "Change" of the Law

Sabbath School Today
With the 1888 Message Dynamic

Preparation for the End Time
Lesson 6. The "Change" of the Law

On most calendars that are used worldwide, the seventh day is called Saturday. To make it doubly sure, we can check by reading Luke 23:54, which tells of the crucifixion of Jesus: "That day was the Preparation, and the Sabbath drew near." Millions observe Good Friday in honor of the death of Jesus; that pinpoints the true Sabbath, for the next day of the week is the regular weekly seventh-day Sabbath.

And again we can pinpoint the true Sabbath day by reading the next verses in Luke: "The women who had come with Him ... observed the tomb and how His body was laid. Then they returned and prepared spices and fragrant oils. And they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment" (vss. 55, 56). The next verses tell of His resurrection on Sunday: "Now on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they ... came to the tomb ... But they found the stone rolled away" (Luke 24:1, 2). Christ had risen!

It is so clear a child sees it immediately: "the Sabbath according to the commandment" comes between Friday and Sunday. ("The Lord's Day" of Revelation 1:10 is the Sabbath, for God calls the Sabbath "My holy day," Isaiah 58:13). His presence is in the Sabbath. To the extent that we love Him, we also love His holy day.

But, there are many sincere people who do not see this truth. Has God changed His holy Sabbath day? We must examine some of the reasons why they are confused.

No, God says, He has not changed His law regarding the Sabbath. "I am the Lord, I do not change" (Mal. 3:6). There is nothing in the Bible to suggest that He made any change in His holy law. "The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul" (Psalm 19:7). Why should He change anything that is "perfect"? He loves us too much to change such a blessed gift!

Jesus regularly kept the seventh-day Sabbath, for we read in Luke 4:16 that "He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day." Yes, when He said to the Jews, "I have kept My Father's commandments," He told the truth (John 15:10).

All of the apostles followed His example in keeping the Sabbath on the seventh day. For example, the Book of Acts tells of 84 sabbaths that the Apostle Paul kept, but not one Sunday!

"But," someone may ask, "doesn't it tell of one first day of the week that Paul kept?" No, Acts 20:7, 8 tells of one Saturday night farewell meeting that Paul held with the Christians in Troas, because he was planning to walk 16 miles next day (Sunday) to Miletus, and they would never see him again. (No apostle would have walked 16 miles on the holy Sabbath day).

Luke describes that night meeting as being on "the first day of the week" because the Bible says the Sabbath begins at sundown Friday evening and ends at sundown on Saturday evening (Lev. 23:32). Any night meeting on "the first day of the week" would therefore have to be on Saturday night. And Mark 1:32 tells how on one Saturday "at evening, when the sun had set," the Sabbath being over, the people brought many sick people to Jesus to be healed.

That is a delightful way to keep the Sabbath, "from evening to evening," sunset to sunset. If you try to keep it from midnight to midnight, you're asleep and you can't consciously welcome God's holy day! How could you welcome some special visitor who came at midnight while you were asleep?

Why do many observe Sunday, and not the holy Sabbath day that the Lord "blessed and hallowed"? It is simple: someone without the authority of God changed it. He instructed His holy prophet Daniel to predict that this would happen. In chapter 7 the prophet described the rise of four world empires in history (Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome), after which there would arise another great power, the "little one [horn] ... speaking pompous words" (vs. 8) that would combine church and state and would "intend to change times and law" (vs. 25). Both Daniel and Revelation state that he would exercise his great power for 1260 years.

Paul described the same power in 2 Thessalonians 2:4 as one "who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God."

John's book of Revelation describes the same power: "And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, ... And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation. All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb" (13:5-8).

We have to decide then which "power" we will follow--the holy One who created the earth in six days and sanctified His holy Sabbath for us to keep, or the one who has dared to change God's law and direct people to observe Sunday instead.

The Unique Adventist Concept of the Everlasting Gospel

Ellen White was overjoyed when she heard what the two messengers (A.T. Jones and E. J. Waggoner) presented at and after the 1888 Conference. She was glad that the message went beyond what she called "the good old doctrines," for she said it was "fresh light." "Justification by faith" is "fresh" to us and to the Evangelical world for "it is the third angel's message in verity." [1]

"Every fiber of my heart said amen," she said, because here at last was the unique, distinct Seventh-day Adventist concept of the everlasting gospel "which is made manifest in obedience to all the commandments of God." [2] Thus it had to go beyond that of the popular Sunday-keeping churches.

In fact, the Sabbath truth comes to be implicit in a full and complete view of justification by faith because the Sabbath is the "sign" of true faith. [3] Where the Sabbath truth is denied, there has to be either a counterfeit or immature view of justification by faith. [4]

One wonders if Seventh-day Adventist evangelism has given these grand truths a fair trial. Rightly conceived, with no "mixture of poisonous error," justification by faith becomes the message that will raise up people all over the world who will "keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus." The fruitage will be phenomenal, and believers will prepare for the coming of Christ in their generation. [5]

Just now the Holy Spirit is calling people worldwide to keep holy His Sabbath day; for that's the special day when He meets with them to teach them. And His great fourth commandment assures all who will believe, they will know the joy of Sabbath-keeping rest "in Christ."

--From the writings of Robert J. Wieland

[1] Review and Herald, April 1, 1890.
[2] MS 5, 1889; Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, pp. 91, 92.
[3] See E. J. Waggoner, Christ and His Righteousness, pp. 37-45 (Glad Tidings ed., 1999); The Glad Tidings, pp. 140-144 (CFI ed., 2016).
[4] See A. T. Jones, 1893 General Conference Bulletin, pp. 243-245, 261, 262, 342-343, 358.
[5] See Ellen G. White, Review and Herald, Nov. 22, 29, 1892.

Pastor Paul Penno's video of this lesson is on the Internet at:

"Sabbath School Today" is on the Internet at:

Friday, May 4, 2018

Lesson 5. Christ in the Heavenly Sanctuary

Sabbath School Today
With the 1888 Message Dynamic

Preparation for the End Time
Lesson 5. Christ in the Heavenly Sanctuary


What is the truth of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary? How shall we present Him "standing toward the sinner"?

There are serious arguments that can be presented in support of the fear motivation to give up sin. Fear is not completely or necessarily negative. A perfectly healthy person with no hang-ups will look both ways before crossing a busy street. It's common sense. Nor can it be denied that throughout the millenniums of years of human history God's inspired servants have often employed fear as their motivation tool for inducing sinners to respond. The Old Testament prophets frequently speak of God destroying nations and people. There is no question that God sent the Flood to destroy sinners, also the fires of Sodom and Gomorrah, and destroyed the Egyptians at the Red Sea crossing.

The question that is of concern in the 1888 message is, What appeal will God use in that final "lighting of the earth with glory"? A "voice" will sound from heaven with unprecedented power, "Come out of [Babylon], My people." Will the motivation be associated with a uniquely clear revelation of the cross, what the Son of God accomplished there, and what it cost Him to save the world? Or will it be the quintessential appeal of fear inspired by the most terrorism-sounding message of all time? "The third angel's message in verity" [1] appears on the surface to be the latter.

In seeking a "balance" between what appear to be contradictory views, we can ask, Does the cleansing of the sanctuary ministry of our High Priest include a clearer concept of the atonement than God's people as a body have perceived in the past? If so, will it result in a more complete reconciliation with God than has ever in the past been experienced by God's people as a body? And again, if so, will it be a clearer revelation of the agape of Christ? It must be true that nothing less can achieve such an unprecedented reconciliation!

Admittedly, this question reopens a contention that has boiled for half a century--was the 1888 message genuinely new light, or was it a mere re-emphasis of 16th century Reformationist and current Evangelical ideas? The 1888 message was far in advance of the Protestant Reformation message. The 1888message idea of justification by faith is one that is parallel to and consistent with that unique truth of Christ our High Priest cleansing His people and the heavenly sanctuary.

Correctly understood the 1888 message presents an appeal to the heart with a motivation imposed by agape. The reason must be that the cleansing of the sanctuary accomplishes a "final atonement," seen as an ultimate heart experience of reconciliation with God.

Wherein is the message "be ye reconciled to God" associated with comprehending the cross? The context of 2 Corinthians 5:14, 15 can help.

"The love [agape] of Christ [is what] constraineth us," that is, motivates us (Peterson in The Message, renders it, "moved me to such extremes"). But in this final day of atonement, it's not just an "extremist" apostle Paul so moved, but a corporate "body" of believers. Never before has this happened to such a "body."

Why this development? The church matures, to think and to appreciate that "love," more deeply. Because of clearer light, more cogent, meaningful concepts, "we" conclude from reasonable evidence--"we thus judge."

"Judge" what? The answer: how "One died for all." The equation probes why He died, and what He accomplished thereby. The cross has to become the focus of "the third angel's message in verity."

What does the resulting motivation accomplish? It accomplishes an unprecedented degree of consecration sensed by "all saints." "Those who live" can no longer "live unto themselves," which is the only solution to the problem of Laodicea's corporate lukewarmness. This would seem to be the motivation that "constrains" that corporate body of believers to "follow the Lamb (the crucified Christ) whithersoever He goeth." It is a new level development in Christian history deemed worthy of special mention in Revelation, where all references to the church are couched in corporate terms.

The context indicates that "be ye reconciled to God" experience depends on a clear comprehension of how "God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself," how He took upon Himself "their trespasses." The last rays of light to shine upon this dark world, we are told, will therefore be "a revelation of God's character of love." Here is objective truth, not merely subjective emotion.

So the issue is evangelistic, not complex theology. What message can reconcile the alienated, world-loving, self-centered, "lukewarm" heart to God? Unless a clearer understanding of the gospel becomes involved, the result must inevitably be further lukewarmness of devotion perpetuated generation after generation for centuries more.

The present-day cleansing truth pleads with the sinner "in Christ's stead." That is, as soul-winners we are to enable the sinner to identify with Christ so fully that he experiences a first-hand encounter with Him as vivid as did the Samaritan woman at her well or Nicodemus in his night interview. This is soul-winning and soul-holding evangelism. Nothing else grips bored, world-loving Adventist youth.

--Paul E. Penno

[1] Ellen G. White, The Review and Herald, April 1, 1890; Selected Messages, book 1, p. 372.

Pastor Paul Penno's video of this lesson is on the Internet at:

"Sabbath School Today" is on the Internet at: